A Brief Biography about our Beloved Prophet Muhammad

01. March 2014 Basics 0
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, to Him belong the endowments and proper commendations. May Allah increase the honour and raise the rank of our Master Muhammad  and his kind Al and Companions and protect his nation from what he fears for it. On the 12th of Rabi^ ul-‘Awwal of every year an ...

Advice for reaching high ranks

25. February 2014 Advice 0
One of our teachers said: To get out of Hell one must die Muslim, so a Muslim may go to Hell. What makes one totally avoid Hell is dying as a pious Muslim. Piety requires 2 things: 1st knowledge, 2nd application. Sinning without knowing is still a sin counted against you on judgment day. Sinning ...

Allah Exists Without a Place

24. February 2014 Basics, Creed 0
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. To Allah belong the endowments, befitting perfection, and commendations. We ask Allah to raise the rank of Prophet Muhammad , and to protect his nation from what he fears for it. Thereafter: The belief that Allah, ta^ala, exists without a place is the creed of the Messenger ...

Ta’weel of the Salaf to the Mutashabih Ayat of Sifat

23. February 2014 Creed, Refutation 0
Below are quotes from the sayings of the Great salafi imams such as Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Ibnul-Jawziy, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Sufyan ath-Thawri, ad-Dahhak, Sa^id bin al-Jubair, at-Tabariy, al-Hassan al-Basriy, and Imam al-Bukhariy. Ta’weel Ibn Abbas “as-Saq”  to Hardship 1- أول ابن عباس قوله تعالى {يَوْمَ يُكْشَفُ عَنْ سَاقٍ} فقال “يكشف عن شدة” فأول الساق بالشدة. ذكر ذلك الحافظ ابن حجر في ...

The Qur’an contains two types of ayat

23. February 2014 Creed 0
It has been said The Qur’an contains two types of ayat  Muhkamat and Mutashabihat. All praise is due to Allah The Exalted, and may Allah raise the rank of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, his kind relatives and companions, and protect his nation from that which he feared for them Thereafter;Allah said ...

The Benefits of Remembering Allah

21. February 2014 Du^aa's 0
منافع ذكر الله The Benefits of Remembering Allah الحمد للهِ ربِّ العالمينَ لهُ النِّعمةُ وله الفضلُ ولهُ الثَّناءُ الحسن صلواتُ اللهِ البَرِّ الرحيمِ والملائِكةِ المُقرَّبينَ على سيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ أشرفِ المرسلينَ وحبيبِ ربِّ العالمينَ وعلى جميعِ إخوانِهِ منَ النَّبييّنَ والمُرسلينَ وءالِ كُلٍّ والصَّالحينَ وسلامُ اللهِ عليهِمْ أجمعينَ. أمّا بعدُ، فَقَدْ قاَلَ اللهُ تَعَالَى: ﴿يَآ أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ...

من هم السلف الصالح

قيل من هم السلف الصالح بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى ءاله وصحبه وسلم السلف الصالحُ هُم عُلماءُ الإسلامِ الذين كانوا في القرون الثلاثة الأولى الذين قصدهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بقوله :[ خير القرون قرني ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهم ] وكذلك يفهم مدح هؤلاء العلماء الذين ...


قيل Innovation Definition The linguistic meaning of bidˆah (innovation) is: مَا أُحْدِثَ عَلَى غَيْرِ مِثَالٍ سَابِقٍ ‘that which was made without a previous example’. Religiously, it is that which was not documented in the Qur’aan, and did not come in the Sunnah. Ibnu-l-ˆArabiyy said “The innovation (bidˆah; muhdath) is not dispraised merely because of the ...

Proofs for the validity of Mawlid from the scholars of AHlusunnah

هذا الكتاب الحاوي للفتاوى تأليف الإمام الحافظ جلال الدين السيوطي المتوفى سنة 911 هـ. يقول: ” أن أصل عمل المولد الذي هو اجتماع الناس وقراءة ما تيسر من القرآن ورواية الأخبار الواردة في مبدأ أمر النبي وما وقع في مولده من الآيات ثم يُمدّ لهم سماط يأكلونه وينصرفون من غير زيادة على ذلك هو من ...