Mosque near me


Here is a list of some trustworthy Mosques Worldwide:

North America

  • United States of America


  • Canada

  • Alberta Calgary Tel: (403) 248-5930 Fax: (403) 248-7550
  • British Columbia 553 Front Street, New Westminster, BC V3L1A4 (604) 524-2752
  • Ontario 847 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario K1K 4Y2 Tel: (613) 747-1444
  • Quebec 6691 Park Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H2V 4J1 (514) 274-6194 (Office)


  • Switzerland

  • Centre islamique de Lausanne, 10, place de la Gare, 1003 Lausanne Suisse Tél. : +41 (021) 323 79 19 Fax : +41 (021) 311 23 02
  • Islamisches Zentrum Zürich Militنrstr. 52/Eisgasse 6, 8004 Zürich Tel. 01/ 241 13 31 Fax.01/ 241 13 38
  • Centre Islamique de Neuchatel Rue de Guillaume-Farel 24, 2000 Neuchatel-Serrier Tel: 032/731.17.80 Fax: 032/731.17.86

  • Germany

  • I.V.W.P.e.V Wiener Str. 1-6 / 10999 Berlin TEL: 0306126961 FAX: 0306115371
  • Daimlerstraße 14, 27793 Wiesbaden, Germany
  • Moschee der islamischen Wissenschaft (Verein für Bildung in Salzgitter)
    Adresse:  Martin-Luther-Str. 28
    38226 Salzgitter – Deutschland
    Telefon: (05341) 284 96 16
  • Umar Moschee Berlin, Wiener Str.1-6
    10999 Berlin
    Tel.: (030) 612 69 61
  • Ar-Rashedin Moschee Siegen
    Effertsuferstraße 104 
    57072 Siegen
  • Al i^tidal Moschee
    Nordfelder Reihe 27
    30159 Hannover. 
  • Masjid Al- Ithbat wa Tanzih
    Markaz Ahlus-Sunnah
    Kühlhausweg 5
    37154 Northeim. 

  • France

  • Association des Projets de Bienfaisance Islamiques en France 52, boulevard Ornano 75 018 Paris

  • United Kingdom

  • Association of Islamic Charitable Projects of UK. Masjid Noorus-Sunnah, 42 Yardley Green Road, Bordesley Green, Birmingham, B9 5QF, Tel: +44 (0) 121 2488126.

  • Russia/Ukraine

  • Адрес: Лукьяновская, 46 
  • Телефон: (+38-044)- 465-18-77, (+38-044) 465-18-76, (+38-044)- 465-18-78 
    Симферополь, Крым, Украина 
  • Телефон: +38 095 140 88 74 
    Евпатория, Крым, Украина 
  • Адрес: мкрн Исмаил-Бей, ул. Акъсарай, 72 
    Street: Area Isma’il-bey,street;Aqsaray,72
  • Телефон: +38 06569 47-467 
    Сайт: www.islam Харьков, Украина 
  • Адрес: пер. Цигаревский, 8-5 
  • Телефон:+38 057 751-59-51, +38 096 601 83 66 
    Николаев, Украина Nikolaev,Ukraine 
  • Адрес: ул. 3-я Продольная, 21 
  • Телефон: +38 0512 71-24-42, +38 063 488-32-40 Евпатория, Крым, Украина 
  • Адрес: мкрн Исмаил-Бей, ул. Акъсарай, 72 
    Street: Area Isma’il-bey,street;Aqsaray,72
  • Телефон: +38 06569 47-467 


  • A. I. C. P. Australia 2a Winspear Ave, Bankstown, Sydney, NSW, Australia Tel: (02) 9707-4842



As Muslims usually among the first thing we do after we settle in a new community, we try to search for a mosque near our home; Especially if we come from a huge Muslim community. We compare the nearest mosques. Searching “mosque near me” we start comparing. We look at size and looks, we look at the types of people that attend, we look at the popularity of the Imam. What we really should be looking at, is this mosque teaching the obligatory knowledge? Do their statements come from a reliable sources ? Do they teach without providing their “opinion.” Who is their teachers and chain ? Do they even have teachers or did they “learn on their own.”

It is of utmost importance for the Muslim to look thoroughly at the person from whom he acquires knowledge. In the introduction of his book, As-Sahih, Imam Muslim related the saying of the highly esteemed follower of the companions, Muhammad Ibn Sirin:

إن هذا العلم دين فانظروا عمّن تأخذون دينكم

which means: “This knowledge contains the rules of the Religion, so look THOROUGHLY into the person from whom you acquire the knowledge of your Religion.”