Allah, ta^ala said in the Quran: لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ Laysa kamithlihi shay. Ayah 11 of Suratush-Shura means: {Nothing resembles Him (Allah) in any way.} This means that Allah, ta^ala, does not resemble any of His creations. It was related that a group of Jews came to the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and said: O ...
Listen dear people as we relate history, Events of the past, told as they ought to be. Before God created and made things arranged, He was as He is. He does not change. The first thing He created (and He has no needs) Is water, and from it comes all other things. Then He made ...
In Al-Mu^jam Al-Kabir and Al-Mu^jam AsSaghir, Imam at-Tabaraniyy related the hadith about the Prophet from the route of ^Uthman Ibn Hunayf who was in a circle with the Prophet when a blind man came to address Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam: The blind man addressed the Prophet by saying, “O Prophet of Allah, ...
Many people who self-identify as Muslims ask why should traditional Sunni Muslims should exert their time and energy to warning against those who are called “Wahhabis” (although nowadays the Wahhabis don’t usually refer to themselves as “Wahhabis but “Salafis). The answer is manifold. Although there are many groups and ideologies that pose threats to the ...
We start with the Name of Allah, we praise Him, and we ask Allah to raise the rank of our dear and beloved master MuHammad, sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and protect his nation from that which he feared for it. Aameen. Imam Ja^far As-Sadiq stated as related by Abul Qasim Al-Qushayriyy in his letter Ar-Risalah Al-Qushayriyyah, “Whoever claims ...
We start with the Name of Allah, we praise Him, and we ask Allah to raise the rank of our dear and beloved master MuHammad, sallallaahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and protect his nation from that which he feared for them. Aameen. The Qur’an informs us in Suratush-Shura, 11: “There is absolutely nothing like Allah ...
قال الإمام ذو النون المصري مهما تصورت ببالك فالله لا يشبه ذلك رواه الحافظ ابن عساكر في كتاب تاريخ دمشق المجلد17ص404وبارك الله بمن نشر ذلك”فانت ايها الانسان مهما تخيلت ومهما تصورت بخيالك وببالك فانك لن تتصور او تتخيل الا ما ألفته نفسك واعتادت ان تراه عينك من أشكال وهيئات و الوان وصور والله تعالى هو ...
العقيدة المنجية بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رســول الله محمد : اعلَم أنّ عقيدةَ المسلمينَ سَلفاً و خَلفاً بلا شكّ و لا رَيب أن الله سبحانه و تعالى هو خالق العالم، قائم بنفسه مستغن عن كل ما سواه،فكُلّنا نحتاج إلى الله ولا نَستغني عنه طَرفة عَين، والله تعالى لا يحتاج لشَىء ...
——–Qur’an: [Allah has attributes that do not resemble the attributes of others.] Surat an-Nahl, Verse 60. [Do not attribute to Allah the attributes of His creation.] Surat an-Nahl, Verse 74. [Do you know of anything which is similar to Him? There is none.] Surat Maryam, Verse 65. [Nothing is like Allah in any way ] ...
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