A Primer to the Muslim Belief in the Creator

02. October 2012 Basics, Creed 0
It was said: In the Arabic language, the word “Allah” used to refer to God, the Creator.  Muslims believe in One, Perfect, Eternal and Everlasting, Omnipotent and All-Knowing Creator, Who is the Creator of everything and absolutely does not need or resemble anything.  Muslims do not worship Prophet Muhammad or any other human being; Muslims ...


02. October 2012 Basics, Creed 0
What has a beginning is created, therefore was in need of a creator, what is in need is weak and the weak does not deserve to be worshiped. —-So the creator does not have a beginning, is free from Need and is NOT weak. Change is also an indication something is created. What changes is ...

Jesus the Son of Mary

27. September 2012 Basics 0
Praise and thanks belong to the Creator There has been much controversy surrounding the life of Jesus and the nature of his message and mission.  God-willing, in this short post, we hope to shed some insight into the genuine teachings of Jesus, the Messiah. Jesus was born to the best of all the women whoever ...

The Originator (Al-Bari’)

27. September 2012 Creed 0
It was said: The Originator (Al-Bari’) “The Originator of the Universe is Allah, the Unique, the Eternal, the Alive the Omnipotent, the Omniscient, the Hearing, the Seeing, the One Who does whatever He Wills. Allah is not a bodily characteristic (`arad), nor a ‘body’ (jism), nor an elementary particle (jawhar). Allah is not a thing ...

أكثر من أربعة قرون والعقيدة المرشدة يرددها المؤذنون في وقت التسبيح

– كــان الشيخ أبو منصور عبد الرحمن بن محمد فخر الدين بن عساكر (توفي سنة 620 هـ) يدرس العقيدة المرشدة في مدينة القدس في المدرسة الصلاحية قرب المسجد الأقصى. – قال المؤرخ تقي الدين المقريزي (توفي سنة 845 هـ) فـي كـتـابـه (المواعظ والاعتبار بذكر الخطط والآثار) ما نصه: “لما ولي السلطان صلاح الدين يوسف بن ...

Why We Don’t Celebrate Christmas

13. September 2012 Refutation 0
It was said: Why We Don’t Celebrate Christmas I wish to explain to those who are not Muslim some of the reasons why Muslims do not celebrate Christmas.  Now contrary to what many people may think, Muslim do indeed believe in Jesus—not as the Creator of the universe or as the offspring of the Creator ...

Where do you begin?

13. September 2012 Basics, Refutation 0
It was said: You must know who your Lord is so you can worship God properly.  That is, your `Aqidah needs to be correct. This universe must have a Creator—for it could not have brought itself into being.  Know that the Creator’s proper Name is Allah.  Allah is One.  No one is the Creator except ...

Of Certitude

13. September 2012 Refutation 0
  It was said: When Imam Imam Al-Junayd was asked about Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) he said: “Yaqeen (Certitude).” He was asked to explain.  He then said: “Indeed nothing is brought into being, whether from the entities or their actions, except by the creating of Allah.” —related by Al-Khatib al-Baghdadiyy in his book Tarikhul-Baghdad  (The History of Baghadad) Commentary ...

Islam vs. Christianity

13. September 2012 Refutation 0
It is hard to imagine that a person who is educated in the matters of Islamic Doctrine and has some semblance of sincerity, and fears Allah and the Naar (Hellfire) would fall for Christianity, much less the faaaar out fantasy of (so-called) Evangelical Christianity, whose version was made-up in America (with NO HISTORICAL CONNECTION WHATSOEVER to a ...