In Islam, the intellect and faith are in harmony. The Muslim belief in the Creator is rationally consistent. Some might say just have faith, of course I have faith, but I also have a sound mind that agrees with what I believe, and I will not believe in something that contradicts the sound intellect. In ...
رد علماء على من يستشهد بالرواية المضطربة لحديث الجارية و يفهم الخاطئ لحديث النزول لكي ينشر العقيدة الباطلة عقيدة اليهود و النصارى بان الله حال في السماء و العياذ بالله و شرح الرواية المضطربة : ” اين الله قال في السماء ” لحديث الجارية
The catastrophe of the Mujassimah and Mushabbihah , is that they attribute to Allah the body and form, and this is because they take the “Mutashabih” verses, that have several meanings, literally and on their apparent meaning. For example the word “Wajhullah” they think it means literally “the face of Allah”, they think that “Yad” means ...
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد قال الحافظ العراقي في فتح المغيث [ويكره أن يرمز للصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في الخط بأن يقتصر من ذلك على حرف أو حرفين ونحو ذلك كمن يكتب صلعم يشير بذلك إلى الصلاة والتسليم]. انتهى. ونص على هذا النووي في كتاب ...
It was narrated that a poor man on a festival day saw all people eating meat.He went home to find his wife preparing beans for dinner and greeting him.He started peeling the beans,eating them while throwing its skin out of the window and saying sadly,” everybody is happy eating meat while I am eating beans.” ...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الحمدلله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على اشرف المرسلين بعدَ أن كثرت الفتاوى بتحريم فعل المولد و الاحتفال بذكرى النبي المصطفى عليه الصلاة و السلام و قولهم أنه بدعة منكرة محرمة، مع أن هذا الحكم الذي يفتون به و الله المستعان ما سبقهم اليه احد من أئمة العلم من ...
The Glimmering Gems of the Creed of Muslims based on the Scholarly Consensus (ijma^) Download in PDF Free Right click the link below and select “Save Target” The Glimmering Gems of the Creed of Muslims The compilation of all material, within the pages of this booklet, on the subject of the ‘Islamic Creed of AHLUS-SUNNAH ...
It was said: Ibnul-Jawziyy versus Bilal Philips The famous Hanbaliyy scholar, Abul-Faraj ibnul-Jawziyy[1], (597/1201) was a scholar of Al-Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), Tafsir (Qur’anic Exegesis), Hadith and the Arabic language. He wrote a bookDaf`u Shubahit-Tashbih (which is a book refuting the quasi-Hanbali corporealists/anthroomorphists). In this book he said: “If someone addresses us by saying “If you deem Allah to ...
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