It was said: Praise and thanks to Allah, the Lord of everything, the One Who does not need or resemble anything. The Atheist Delusion Atheism has, as of late, become the new “chic” among a large segment of American society—especially, among younger people. For Muslims, this should be of concern for many different ...
The Mushabih or “Bodier” (one who says Allah is a Body) says that Allah occupies the sky and with what proof will he refute the sun worshipper? (They both worship a body!). The Sunworshipper would say to the Mushabih: you say that the one whom I should worship is in the sky and I say to you that what ...
Bismillah, Praise be to God (Allah), the Lord of the worlds, to Him belong the endowments and the befitting perfections and commendations. I ask Allah to raise the rank of the last messenger, Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and to protect his nation from that which he fears for it. Know that, although Ibn Taymiyah ...
The 1st Rule Whoever denies any matter that is “commonly known and immediately recognized by the Muslims to be of the Religion” blasphemes.[1] The 2nd Rule Whoever says, does, or believes anything that belittles Allah, His Messengers, His Books, His Angels, His Rules, His Promise, His Threat, His Rites (the Well-Known Practices of His Religion), ...
اعلم أن عقيدة المسلمين سلفاً و خلفاً بلا شك و لا ريب أن الله سبحانه و تعالى هو خالق العالم، قائم بنفسه مستغن عن كل ما سواه، فكلنا نحتاج إلى الله ولا نستغني عنه طرفة عين، والله تعالى لا يحتاج لشئ من خلقه، ولا ينتفع بطاعاتهم و لا ينضرّ بمعاصيهم، ولا يحتاج ربنا إلى محل ...
قال سيدنا علي رضي الله عنه : “سَيَرْجِعُ قَومٌ مِن هذه الأمّةِ عند اقْتِرَابِ الساعة كفارًا، فقال رجلٌ: يا أمير المؤمنينَ: كفرهم بماذا، أبالإحداث أم بالإنكار؟ فقال: بل بالإنكار، يُنكرُونَ خَالِقَهُمْ فَيَصِفُونَهُ بالجِسْمِ و الأَعْضَاءِ”. [كتاب نجمالمهتدي ص 588]. كما نقل بن حجر الهيتمي في المنهاج القويم عن الأئمة تكفيرهم للمجسّم فقال في ص ...
It was said: The catastrophe of the Mujassimah and Mushabbihah (Like the wahhabis), is that they attribute to Allah the body and form. And this is because they take the “Mutashabih” verses, that have several meanings, literally and on their apparent meaning. For example the word “Wajhullah” they think it means literally “the face ...
It was said: Responding to a Quasi-Salafi (Wahhabi) Sophistry At-Tahawiyy Lesson 11-5-11 Abu Ja^far At-Tahawiyy said: (Man wasafallaha bima^nam-mimma^nil bashar faqad kafar.) 32. “Whoever ascribes to Allah a human characteristic blasphemes.” The Wahhabi may say to the Sunni: “You say that Allah is attributed with Knowledge and Power.” We ...
Praise and thanks belongs to the Creator It was said: There has been much controversy surrounding the life of Jesus and the nature of his message and mission. God-willing, in this short note, we hope to shed some insight into the genuine teachings of Jesus, the Messiah. Jesus was born to the best ...
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